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Helping your Animals Reach their Genetic Potential
What Our Customers Are Saying
MacGregor, MB
February 1st – May 1st, 2016
We are a backgrounding feedlot that feeds a low energy diet. We grow our calves and prepare them for the finishing lot and we do not use implants.
To date we have started approximately 3,900 – 450-600 weight, feeder cattle on LVMS 8 versus our traditional method of Draxxin, Vitamin A, D and Muse injections.
Upon arrival of calves, we now use 5 ml of LVMS 8 oral, along with our vaccine program and Ivomec.
Our success rate on this program has met our expectations. The cattle look much more alert and our pull rate has been 6 to 8% which we think is quite acceptable. When we do pull cattle that need an antibiotic, we use an antibiotic plus 12 ml of LVMS 8 and our response to antibiotics in conjunction with LVMS 8 has worked extremely well. We have had as good as no retreats. And after treatment, calves are very quick to respond and get back on feed.
Our average daily gain has improved to .2 to .3 pounds/day with 6 to 8% less feed intake over the 70 day trial. We have also noticed that our feeders are much more content and easier to work with. We believe that is due to the level of magnesium in this supplement.
These Cattle were received in mid January to mid April.
Traditional Processing Protocol on 550 lb calves:
• Bovishield Gold 5
• Ultrabek 7
• Vitamin A, D
• Muse
• Draxxin
• Ivomec
LVMS 8 Processing Method on 550 lb calves:
• 5 ml LVMS 8 sprayed in the mouth
• Bovishield Gold 5 – 2 ml
• Ultrabek 7 – 2 ml
• Ivomec
Doses and costs based off of 550lb calves:
The LVMS 8 Protocol enables us to feed LVMS 8 for 100 days and increase our feed conversion at the same cost as our traditional method.
- Feedlot trial at Rocking U Feeders Ltd.
“I bought Eberglo last week. AMAZING! I cannot believe it! I’ve used probiotics before but I’ve never had results like this! Thanks to Eberglo! So glad you’re selling it. I don’t have to run to the city or order it. What it has helped with the most for me is Thrush. My pony and I have been battling thrush in her feet for years!! Last winter I fed haylage and her feet looked great! This got me thinking about the benefits of fermented feeds. I can’t feed silage in the summer, then I heard about Eberglo. Thrush was back this spring. I started using Eberglo and it’s gone! She’s standing nice and looks comfortable. My horse ended up with thrush too after being sick twice and needing antibiotics. Her frogs are Thrush free now too!”
- Tanya
“Having constant trouble with the health of our Bison when we bring them into the feedlot, we were quite open to the idea of feeding LVMS 8, even though there were no trials done on Bison so far. The trials done in the feedlot industry were sufficient enough as Bison are very similar to cattle. What we have found in the Bison is that it gives them the boost in immunity and the strength to fight off disease in high stress conditions. To date we have started three groups on LVMS 8 and have had virtually no health issues. We have not seen signs of Mycoplasma. We have also fed some orphan calves this spring and with LVMS 8 in their milk, they are doing very well.”
- Bison Feedlot
“We were having issues with our calves this spring and our traditional method was a shot of Liquamycin and Vitamin A, D. We were having problems with our calves scouring, weak calves, etc., then we started using LVMS 8 instead of the injections. We have had tremendous results and have treated some calves for scours and LVMS 8 has cured all of our cases.”
- Graydon Farms
“I love this product. All calves get it at birth- they just respond so much faster to get up and suck. The few that I have seen start to get scours, I give them 5ml, two days in a row and it is amazing how fast they respond. I have only been using this for 2 weeks. Thanks Harold!”
- John Martens
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Jun 8, 2017 |
Several sheep and goat farms in Alberta have seen the benefits of feeding LVMS 8. They have significantly decreased and almost eliminated the use of antibiotics in their livestock and have seen increased daily weight gain and the animals are going to market faster. IMG_0614 Click here to watch a video!
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Sep 12, 2016 |
LVMS 8 is a great immunity builder for all types of livestock. It can help reduce weaning stress while weaning calves this fall and keep them growing and healthy during this stressful period.
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Nov 18, 2015 |
Supplementing with LVMS 8 in farm demonstrations has shown to improve general well-being, reduce stress, and strengthen immune, blood, digestive, hormonal and reproductive systems. BEEF CATTLE Calves born to mothers fed LVMS 8 withstand the stress of birth better and appear more alert and vigorous right after they are born. Given orally at […]
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Our proprietary oral formula is unlike anything on the market today!
Our manufacturing process yields us a small, highly absorbable substance that is absorbed instantly in the mouth and esophagus, thus the product goes directly into the bloodstream, getting better results much faster than traditional medicines.
Supplementing with LVMS 8 in farm demonstrations has shown to improve general well-being,
reduce stress, and strengthen immune blood, digestive, hormonal and reproductive systems.